Escape Racism Kick-Off, Palermo, Sicily

Escape Racism Kick-Off, Palermo, Sicily

Mark Lewis As we near the end of the latest UK lockdown period, due to the worldwide pandemic, it’s nice to look back at some of the trips which we have made to meet with our partners and discuss our projects in what seems like a much happier time.  One of the last...
Homeless Monopoly on the BBC

Homeless Monopoly on the BBC

We’re pleased to see Homeless Monopoly (a project developed here in the DMLL – in partnership with the University of Warwick, Coventry Cyrenians and Coventry City Council) get included in an article on the BBC news website. Our former Research Associate...
Book Now for the Coventry.Domains Workshop

Book Now for the Coventry.Domains Workshop

Coventry.Domains Workshop – October 14 2020 Are you interested in publishing a blog, portfolio, research project website or something else online? What about using web publishing as a teaching tool in your next module? With Coventry.Domains, staff and students...
#RemixPlay4 – moving to 2021 :(

#RemixPlay4 – moving to 2021 :(

We’re sad to announce that we won’t be hosting Remix Play 4 this year. As we all know, 2020 has not been business as usual. While we were originally hopeful about hosting the event in October of this year – and later wondered about moving it to a...