Providing Learner Recognition in a Digital Age

Providing Learner Recognition in a Digital Age

Since 2015, the DMLL has piloted the use of Open Badges technology for learning recognition in a wide ranging set of scenarios. Each of these pilots focused on a specific learning context, to testbed on a small scale pathways and recognition for skills development and...
Launching the Student Support chatBot

Launching the Student Support chatBot

This week, after many months of hard work and debugging, we launched the Faculty of Business and Law student support chatBot. The concept of a student support chatBot has been in development for many months, the idea been to answer some of the most common student...
Lab On Tour: Aberystwyth University

Lab On Tour: Aberystwyth University

Last week, the Disruptive Media Learning Lab (DMLL) visited Aberystwyth University to keynote and deliver workshops at the ‘6th Learning and Teaching Conference: Stepping up Students’ Learning’. Jonathan Shaw (Director) and Oliver Wood (Innovation and...
OWLTEH at the Mozilla Global Sprint 2018

OWLTEH at the Mozilla Global Sprint 2018

Last week we joined hundreds of people around the world for Mozilla’s global hackathon #MozSprint. Mozilla’s fifth annual global sprint took place over two days (Thursday May 10th and Friday May 11th 2018) to develop 147 open projects with people from 25 countries....
Pitching a Chat Based Digital Assistant for Business and Law

Pitching a Chat Based Digital Assistant for Business and Law

Building on an exercise to re-design the academic personal tutor system used in the Universities Faculty of Business and Law, it was identified that a 24/7 chat-based service to answer student queries could be beneficial to the overall student experience. Since that...