Prototyping the Student Experience in Business and Law

Prototyping the Student Experience in Business and Law

Student experience is an all-encompassing term which can cover anything from the quality of teaching to the provision of nightlife and social activities. At Coventry University, student experience is approached from a number of directions. There is an ethos of quality...
Hyper Education: A Response to the Future of Campus-based Learning

Hyper Education: A Response to the Future of Campus-based Learning

Photo Credit: Brannon Naito on Unsplash For some time at the Lab, we’ve been exploring what we consider to be the future of campus-based education. Whilst online education is a key strategic element of the Universities future plans, campus-based education...
Coventry.Domains Staff Awards 2016-17

Coventry.Domains Staff Awards 2016-17

We were delighted to be able to present a number of awards to staff members across the University in recognition of their inspiring engagement with the Coventry.Domains initiative. Coventry.Domains provides students and staff with web hosting space and a sub-domain...
Supporting the Post Graduate Review Period

Supporting the Post Graduate Review Period

The CU SPRINT process has been used a number of times for module and course development. From our first course design SPRINT with the School of Humanities through to module design SPRINTs for the School of Media and Performing Arts, feedback from academics and others...
Teaching Through Treasure Hunts

Teaching Through Treasure Hunts

Last year, Samantha Clarke and myself worked on a project designed to enhance the induction experiences of students in the Media and Engineering disciplines. Working with a small pilot group of new students to the University across both subject areas, we designed,...