
Read more about what our speakers and contributors are going to say at #RemixPlay3

Sustainamakaplayability in Social Innovation

Dr Ann-Louise Davidson
Research Chair of Maker Culture and Professor of Education
Concordia University

Sustainamakaplayability is a portmanteau word that meshes four concepts: sustainability, making, play and ability together. In this talk I will illustrate all four concepts and explain how integrating the values of sustainability in making while iterating playfully, build skills that emancipate citizens and helps them prepare for the future of work and the future of our planet.

We all started our lives with days filled up with playing and making things. However, most of us grow up to forget this. Through high-stakes projects in school and tasks that have no connections to wide-scale issues we face on this planet, people get caught up in senseless alienating activities and start to think that life is flat. Yes, I said it: flat and boring.

We face similar flatness challenges with maker education. We present kits that very often are consumed in isolation, but do not address wide-scale issues, nor do they build the skills they pretend to address. Disruptive technologies provide amazing opportunities to prepare a society of creators, providing we design educational experiences that teach people how to iterate playfully, stick with the trouble through social innovation.

Drawing on various activities conducted at #MilieuxMake, the research makerspace I direct, I will illustrate how maker education activities designed using the concept of sustainamakaplayability helps develop 21st century skills that prepare humans to face the future through social innovation as a modus operandi.

Sprinting for Space to Innovate

Dr Richard Tomlins
International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship
Coventry University

This presentation will present a case study of the development of a social innovation creative economy training product and toolkit developed with SEBRAE (the Brasilian Micro and Small Business Support Service) and funded by the British Council. It was devised following two weeks of creative economy scoping visits conducted in the autumn of 2017 in Brasil. A one day micro Sprint was tested in four locations in Brazil to excellent feedback in November and December of 2017. However, we have continued to develop this Sprint product and process, subsequently rolling it out in a super condensed 3 hour version to creative entrepreneurs in Brasil and Ukraine. It offers a route to market through the jungle of business planning ideas and an example that we hope will be taken up as part of the booming Coventry creative economy.

Play in Borneo & Rural Communities

Dr Fitri Mohamad & Dr Jacey-Lynn Minoi
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

The role of play among indigenous community in Borneo is mainly to teach valuable skills of hunting and fishing. These skills through play are learnt at an early age and maintained throughout adulthood. In a rural village in Borneo, we experimented Game-based Learning approach with their local teachers and community members, and we learnt that indigenous games and play represents their cultural activities. Play is an important tool for local folklore, myths and indigenous wisdom. Play is used to pass on valuable intergenerational knowledge, particularly for hunting food, finding shelter, and marking natural progressions into adulthood. Through play, we found trust is also built besides enjoyment, as community members interact and negotiate their roles within a game. Our journey to the remote rural indigenous communities in Borneo brought us to rethink how playful elements can be used to introduce social innovation and creative thinking, that would enable these communities to thrive within their daily activities in enhancing their skills to build sustainable practices and wellbeing.

Breakout Session: RU EU?

Dr Elizabeth Boyle
University of the West of Scotland

“The Erasmus+ funded RU EU? project was conceived with the aim of developing an innovative online game that will help students across Europe to develop a better understanding of their own National and European identity and values at this time of political change and uncertainty in Europe.

In this presentation researchers from UWS will briefly describe the game design process and give a short demonstration of the game. Participants will have the opportunity to play the game. ”

Breakout Session: Meet the Makers

Helen Lewis
Fab Lab Coventry

Come have a chat with Fab Lab, a city centre creative resource open to anyone. Fab Lab Coventry in a partnership with the University of Coventry and helps introduce people to skills to help them make their way into work or education. At the breakout session, you’ll have a chance to take part in a hands-on creative project and speak to the team at Fab Lab about their creative approach to helping the community.

Breakout Session: Thriving not Surviving

Becky Finaly Hall and Dr Anna MacDonald
Play for Progress

We will explore safe, creative ways to support young people suffering from PTSD, anxiety, grief and loss. Drawing from developmental movement practice inspired by Vanessa Sherborne, Sesame Drama & Movement Therapy practice and Boal’s Rainbow of Desire exercises we will collectively examine the journey of belonging, using art and expression to build bridges into new cultural and social homes.

This workshop will be of particular interest for those working with groups that involve various languages not spoken by the facilitators/therapists as well as establishing best staff working practise within an organisation that deals with trauma.

The Evolution of Playful Interventions in Public

Hilary O'Shaughnessy
Research Lead
Watershed Bristol


Play in public is nothing new, but it has evolved over time. Hilary will take us through examples from the New Games Movement in the 70’s to Playable City International  today and ask what playfulness can contribute to our public spaces today.


Charlotte Maxwell and Alexandra Simmons

TimePeace aims to bridge the social gap between locals and refugees and asylum seekers arriving in the UK. 

Hear the story of how TimePeace are using mobile technology to bring communities together.

MiFriendly Cities and the Coventry City University Initiative

Sinead Ouillon
Programme Leader of the City University Initiative
Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations

The Coventry City University Initiative, strengthening connections through technology, health and wellbeing

The deep and intricate relations between Coventry City Council and Coventry University have blossomed to produce a very original FabLab, which is more concentrated on wellbeing and social relations, than on technical innovativeness or employment, whilst working in the area of technical competences of migrants and refugees. The FabLab has become a lens, a magnifying glass of the challenges in the programme, and being a laboratory, has initiated changes and improvements leading to innovatory co-working within the programme.

MiFriendly Cities is a programme, financed by Urban Innovative Action (UIA), as one of three working in this sensitive area of migrants and refugees. This programme concentrates on the positive asset value of each and every person living in Coventry and the West Midlands (Wolverhampton and Birmingham), bringing with them the culture and life experiences and competences of their country of origin, thereby enriching the West Midlands to become a friendly and prosperous area for all to live.


Coventry Community Couture

Debra James
Disruptive Media Learning Lab
Coventry University

Coventry Community Couture is a partnership project between DMLL and Fab Lab launched to bring people together through Playful and Sustainable fashion.

It’s about raising awareness and hopefully having a positive impact on every day buying choices. 

In this presentation you will find out more about the project and get the chance to see a few of the creations!

Exhibition: Homeless Monopoly

Jackie Calderwood will be showing guests her innovative educational resource, Homeless Monopoly, created in partnership with Coventry Cyrenians and Theatre Warwick. This game recently won first prize in Denmark at the International Educational Games Competition of the ECGBL for best Game in Development. 

You'll have a chance to speak to Jackie about the project and how serious games can be used in educational settings to discuss and raise awareness of important social issues. If you like, you can even have a play test of the board-game, test the mobile version or try the giant-sized floor-game created especially for Remixing Play 3!