Coventry.Domains Workshop – October 14 2020

Are you interested in publishing a blog, portfolio, research project website or something else online? What about using web publishing as a teaching tool in your next module?

With Coventry.Domains, staff and students of the Coventry University Group can create any number of websites and host them online for free. This means they can work on a personal portfolio throughout their education while, at the same time, build a blog for a particular module assessment.

Coventry Domains Homepage Screenshot

It’s easy to use, doesn’t require maintenance, and users can choose whether they want to show their sites to only those with a password or with everyone on the web.

What’s covered at the workshop?

We’ll go over the new Coventry.Domains WordPress service, which is a quick and easy way for Coventry University Group staff and students to get online. We’ll look at some of the following common questions about using the service including:

  • Activating your account
  • Adding a new website
  • Creating posts and pages
  • Organizing your content (categories, tags and menus)
  • Changing your theme
  • Extending functionality with plugins

How to Book

Booking is now open via the Professional Development Portal: