Today we celebrated the diverse work of the Domains of One’s Own community across Coventry University campuses. A little while ago we put out a call for people to nominate themselves, colleagues and students for a Coventry.Domains Award for their work developed through use of Coventry.Domains in 2017-18. We met together to share how those selected have developed their learning, teaching and research practice through use of their web hosting and subdomain provided through the Coventry.Domains initiative.

The Coventry.Domains Awards recognise inspiring practice and outstanding engagement with this initiative aimed at fostering digital fluency and innovation. We now have over 1600 people making use of Coventry.Domains, creating their own online spaces for a wonderfully diverse range of uses. These include reflective blogs, interactive media projects, project communications, open education resources, and facilitating open communities of practice.

Here you can find a brief overview of the awardees’ achievements and links to their websites.

Andrew King from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences has created Stories of Experience, Illness and Recovery, a website that accompanies his ‘Neurology Book Club’ to support physiotherapy students and professionals to find books and resources that provide a patient experience. This builds on Andrew’s use of a lending library of published ‘illness narratives’ (those told by people who have experienced specific health conditions) for teaching post-graduate student physiotherapists. The WordPress website hosts a collection of reviews of books, films and other resources that may be useful for students to independently browse or for use in teaching sessions.

“Unlike internal university Moodle resources, the WordPress site is not limited to a particular cohort, or a particular year group. The postings are cumulative, gradually becoming a larger resource that can be easily linked to from Moodle pages of many other health studies courses.” (King, A. 2018)

Claire Simmons, Academic Developer, led the creation of the CU Academic Development website – an openly accessible online space for communications regarding guides, resources and training for academic members of Coventry University staff. The site acts as a hub for information otherwise located across multiple spaces, and even includes a glossary of terms commonly used within the organization to help new staff orientate themselves through acronyms and new terminology. The website also includes a blog with calls for new opportunities and upcoming training.

Kavita Sohanta, Employment Personal Tutor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and Fitz Adams, Learning Technologist from the Faculty of Business and Law, developed a website to communicate the resources available to students when career planning. It includes easy to navigate information to support students to think through and recognize what stage in career planning they may be at and how they may wish to receive support from their personal tutor.

Jodie Calleja, Student Information and Engagement Manager at Coventry University London campus, has created a website to chronicle her personal journey and learning through taking the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PgCAPHE). Jodie’s blog includes assignments and weekly reflections which built a portfolio towards being awarded the accreditation.

Four lecturers received awards for their successful approach to embedding use of Coventry.Domains within curriculum, teaching students how to create their own self-hosted website to develop their digital fluency and professional practice. Each has played a key role embedding a Domain of One’s Own approach into learning design in their respective School.

  • Benet Vincent, Lecturer in English, School of Humanities (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
  • Emma Lambert, Lecturer in Photography, School of Media and Performing Arts (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
  • Charlotte Collins, Senior Lecturer in Aerospace, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering (Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing)
  • Tom Bason, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Event Management (Faculty of Business and Law)

Seven students also received awards for their work creating a personal website to present their professional practice:

Sarah Lindop, Fashion BA student

Simran Sandhu, English Language and Literature BA student

Emma Wright – English Language and Literature BA student

Hannah Wykes – English BA student

Andrew Fisher – Aerospace Engineering BEng student

Adeolu Adebanjo – Aerospace Engineering BEng student

Javier Gordon – Aerospace Engineering BEng student

We would like to say a big thank you to all those who nominated colleagues and students for the awards, and we are very much looking forward to seeing new uses of Coventry.Domains emerge over the year ahead!