Join us to spend two mornings making bold leaps in reimagining group assessment in a socially distant teaching and learning landscape.

What is a Hackathon?

Hackathons are intensive, focused, collaborative and hands-on events addressing a specific challenge and are aimed at generating a number of solutions for immediate implementation or further development/refinement.

While hackathons usually require collocation of participants in the same physical place, due to the current circumstances CovEduHackathon 2020 will rely exclusively on online interactions.


CovEduHackathon 2020 aims to innovate in the design of Collaborative Learning experiences and Group Assessment, making sure technology is used effectively to make them more meaningful and valuable to students. Group work and assessment have proved to be challenging in many disciplines and in the context of a post COVID-19 world – where online and blended learning are not just important but essential – a whole new range of considerations require careful attention.


CovEduHackathon 2020 will be hosted online and split into two separate 3-hour sessions. Course teams will have the opportunity to envision tangible solutions to the overall challenge, following a structured approach based on design thinking principles.

Session 1 – 10th June

The first day will focus on the IDEATION stage, which involves generating possible solutions to the challenge and selecting the best ideas.

Session 2 – 17th June

The second day will focus on the PROTOTYPING stage and will result in the creation of innovative brief assessment and storyboards communicating how they are expected to work in practice.

In preparation for the hackathon, a preliminary 1-hour webinar will be offered twice, onboarding participants and covering the EMPATHISE and DEFINE stages of the design thinking process. This will be based on insights and perspectives gathered from various stakeholders.


Participants will join in groups of 4 or 5, ideally formed by course teams with involvement of students. Schools and subsidiaries may nominate teams that might particularly benefit from this opportunity. Team leaders will be required to fill out a form on the link below expressing their interest and goals. Each team will be supported by at least one facilitator.

Because each team will need its own independent facilitator, we cannot necessarily guarantee a place for everyone who expresses interest.

This event is organised as part of the EU-funded EduHack Project.

Sign up

(To be completed by a course director or a representative of your team)
Fill our this form to express your interest for the 2020 EduHack Hackathon: