Enhancing Digital Literacy of University Students (E-DigiLit) is an Erasmus + project (KA203) that aims to improve the digital literacy skills of university students, contribute to the capacity building of universities on digital literacy and facilitate the access to sources related to digital literacy.
As a result of the project, an optional course for first year university students will be designed and delivered at universities in the 4 participating countries (Croatia, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom). In preparation for this, a training of trainers programme will be implemented.
The kick-off meeting was hosted in Turkey by Dokuz Eylül University (project coordinator) on the 15th and 16th of January 2020. Prof Sylvester Arnab and Dr Daniel Villar-Onrubia represented Coventry University at the meeting and had the chance to meet colleagues from the coordinating university and other partner institutions: University of Zagreb (Croatia), Universidad Católica de Murcia (Spain), APEC (Turkey).
Updates will be posted on the project’s website (http://edigilit.eu) and Twitter https://twitter.com/edigilit