23 Things for Digital Knowledge


The University of Edinburgh’s 23 Things for Digital Knowledge is an award winning (LILAC Credo Digital Literacy Award 2017), self-directed course, run by Information Services Group.

The programme aims to expose you to a range of digital tools for your personal and professional development as a researcher, academic, student, or professional. The aim is for you to spend a little time each week, building up and expanding your skills. We hope that the programme presents a realistic challenge and will allow you to fit it into your schedule. The University of Edinburgh’s ‘23 Things for Digital Knowledge’ is inspired by 23 Things Oxford and based on the original 23 Things program which ran at the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County in the USA in 2006.

Free to anyone who has access to a computer and the internet and finishers will receive an Open Badge.

Self-directed course

23 one hour activities, at your own pace



The Univeristy of Edinburgh

The Univeristy of Edinburgh

The 23 Things team: Stephanie (Charlie) Farley, Open Educational Resources Advisor, and Susan Greig, Learning Technology Advisor.

Except where otherwise stated, ’23 Things for Digital Knowledge’ by Stephanie (Charlie) Farley of The University of Edinburgh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.