LEGO-A-GO-GO is an interactive and engaging Beyond Flipped method for problem solving; regardless of discipline, learning level, or topic area. Application of the method results in a rich environment that facilitates a deep learning experience.
Utilising the L·E·A·R·N framework, LEGO-A-GO-GO creates a learning model that delivers quality by placing the student at the centre of the learning experience.
LEGO-A-GO-GO is a tool derived from LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology with a particular focus on education. It capitalises on the power of metaphorical modelling to deep-dive into complex topics, allowing students to learn from one another through spontaneous presentations of their metaphorical creations. It helps build confidence in students abilities to communicate ideas whilst simultaneously supporting creative presentation skills and shaking up the teaching environment.
Group Workshop
60 - 120 minutes
Up to 50 people
Group Workshop
60 - 120 minutes
Up to 50 people
Dr. Alan Richards
Innovation Lead
Oliver Wood
Innovation & Community Producer
Alex Masters
Disruptive Media Learning Technologist