Postgraduate Certificate in International HE Academic Practice (PgC IHEAP)


The course is for academic staff at higher education institutions internationally, working collaboratively with UK HE institutions.  The course is specifically designed to contribute to the continuing professional development of academic staff at partner institutions.  The course is available through a part-time mode of study and can be completed within one academic year or spread across two years.  The course is delivered on a part-time basis involving residential workshops, either in the UK or at a more central international centre, then supported by distance-blended learning.

To join the course you are required to have a current and ongoing teaching responsibility at HE level. Successful completion will enable you to apply for professional accreditation (Fellowship) with the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).


Coventry University

Coventry University

CU Coventry, CU London and CU Scarborough come together to form CU. You can choose whether your campus is based in the city, the capital or on the coast, and the flexible learning model means you have the opportunity to move between each campus after finishing an academic year.