Remixing Play


The act of play often produces intrinsic engagement and pleasure that enhances our interaction with services, products, problems, challenges, etc. It is therefore possible for us to be inspired by the mechanics of play for informing our strategy, design and construction of solutions that will be more human driven, and more emotionally intelligent.

Remixing Play into a Game Plan is a workshop which uses the mechanics of play to explore problems in new ways. It is a playful experience which allows participants to use inspiration from their favorate games and playful experiences to design new solutions to difficult problems.


60 to 120 minutes

Up to 50 people

Lead Author

Sylvester Arnab

Sylvester Arnab

Proffessor of Games Science

Coventry University


Luca Morini

Luca Morini

Research Associate

Coventry University
Samantha Clarke

Samantha Clarke

Research Assistant

Coventry University