L·E·A·R·N Overview The L·E·A·R·N Framework is a learning design framework for Beyond Flipped activity. Employing the five elements of L·E·A·R·N should provide engaging, in depth session or module designs which are adapatable and flexible dependant on discipline needs....
LEGO for Learning

LEGO for Learning

LEGO-A-GO-GO Overview LEGO-A-GO-GO is an interactive and engaging Beyond Flipped method for problem solving; regardless of discipline, learning level, or topic area. Application of the method results in a rich environment that facilitates a deep learning experience....
Domain, Paper, Scissors

Domain, Paper, Scissors

Domain, Paper, Scissors Overview For those who have not had experience of creating a website or blog before, creating a site from the ground up can seem like an intimidating thing to do. This paper-based toolkit includes bite-sized, user-friendly information for those...