Enriching Courses with Game Development

Enriching Courses with Game Development

Last week, Jackie Calderwood and Noah Mitchell travelled to the CU Scarborough campus to meet with course representatives from a variety of disciplines to explore how game development can be used a tool for engaging students and enhancing their learning experience....
Welcome to the Otherside podcast!

Welcome to the Otherside podcast!

This is the first episode of a new podcast series produced by the Disruptive Media Learning Lab. The Otherside focuses on student perspectives on teaching and learning in Higher Education. In this pilot episode, we talk to three Coventry University students about...
Copyright literacy and playful learning

Copyright literacy and playful learning

Despite its importance for education and digital practices at large, Copyright is often perceived as a rather dry topic. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Yesterday Jane Secker and Chris Morrison – the UK Copyright Literacy team – came to the Lab to...
Creative Commons Global Summit 2019

Creative Commons Global Summit 2019

Post by Daniel Villar-Onrubia This year I had the chance to attend for the first time the Creative Commons Global Summit, hosted by CC and CC Portugal (well done to Teresa Nobre and the rest of the team!) at Lisbon’s Museu do Oriente and the Cineteatro Capitolio...
Improving Student Experience with Chatbots

Improving Student Experience with Chatbots

At Coventry University, we’re leading the way in student experience, and here at the DMLL, we’re all about finding new ways to use media, technology and novel approaches to teaching/learning to help shape the way we all engage with education. Lately,...
Piloting Homeless Monopoly in the Community

Piloting Homeless Monopoly in the Community

We place a big emphasis on the power that games and playful, creative experiences can have in a wide range of academic contexts, but gamification can also be used to explore pressing social issues in our community.   This week, we invited staff from Coventry...